Come away from the world and its fleeting pleasures. The enemy is speaking loudly, even shouting, with all sorts of things that seem important. But My child, see them for what they truly are: distractions meant to pull your focus away from Me. I am calling you out of the systems of Babylon—its worldviews, priorities, and ways of living.
I am calling you to step fully into My Kingdom and immerse yourself in it completely. Don’t just dip your toes in or wade ankle-deep. I am calling you into the deep, because I want you to transform the place I’ve put you through demonstrations of My power. This is how you will bring heaven to earth. But you cannot do this if you are not fully separated from the kingdom of this world. Come out of Babylon and its idolatrous ways, and sit in My presence. Let Me fill you with My thoughts and My perspective.
Don’t you know that I laugh at the enemy’s plans? Nothing surprises Me. Nothing is out of My control. I am the King, the true Ruler of this world.
So come to Me, My child. Let Me take you to a higher place where you can see what is happening in this moment—in your life, your city, your nation, and even the world—from a new perspective. Let Me show you what I am building in this time and season, and then I ask you to partner with Me. Come, take My hand, and let Me pull you closer to Me.
Sit with the Lord and ask Him to reveal the areas in your life where you are still influenced by Babylon—the ways of the world. This could be in your viewpoints, where you place your trust, or what and whom you believe, such as beliefs about yourself, world events, or even (social) media. Then, ask Him to give you a new perspective from His viewpoint. Let Him replace the lies you’ve been believing with His truth and infuse you with the power of His Kingdom.
Revelation 18:4 (NLT)
Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, “Come away from her [Babylon], my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.”
Isaiah 46:10 (NLT)
Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.
Psalm 103:19 (NLT)
The Lord has made the heavens his throne; from there he rules over everything.