Come in closer, come in deeper. I am a jealous God desiring time alone with you where we can be together. The love I have for you is beyond comprehension and comparison and it is this love that I want to draw you deeper into. I’ve made this love accessible to you 24/7; not just when you need it or when you’re in the right place. When you’re busy and you don’t feel like you have time to think, there my love can be found and embraced. In the moments of anxiety and fear, my love is waiting to wrap around you. I’m never absent or distant and I promised that I would never leave or forsake you. So come in closer and dwell with me here, I long to embrace you in the depths of my love.
Songs of Solomon 2:10-11
My beloved speaks and says to me: ‘Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.