Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I am has sent me to you.”
You have become stuck in a place where there is an issue of faith – where faith has become limited and small. This is because you have listened to the lies the enemy has released and believed that I am not the God I am.
I am the God who is in all things – who created and spoke life into all things. I am the God who provides and is breakthrough, who decrees and declares justice as the righteous judge. I am the God who saves and expands your territory of influence. I am not a small God: I am not limited in any way.
So do not limit me and make me small – do not believe the lies of the enemy and partner with unbelief. For I am here to rescue, save, advance and break you through. I am here to partner with you and advance you, so choose to align with the truth of who I am.

Abraham’s Test (Part 1)
Begin today by reading through Genesis 22:1-8 (NLT): “Some time...
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