Build Afresh

I see your heart and desire to build my Kingdom. I can sense the eagerness to get started.

But in the midst of it all there has been a lot of clutter and mess all around. Like a

construction site with rubble and scaffolding covering the whole scene.

You have not done anything wrong, you just need to wait a while longer. I am working

behind the scenes right now so the foundation will be solid and without cracks. You will

notice how all of a sudden everything will begin to fall into place as I supernaturally remove

the clutter before your eyes.

Look, I am giving you a new mantle for organising and strategizing. I am increasing your

management skills and clothing you with clarity and wisdom from heaven. Trust the new

thoughts I am giving you. They are from me.

I am sending workers to come alongside you, and your building site will soon transform into

something magnificent. From this place new grace will flow into your work, ministry and



Sit with God and contemplate what you want to build in the next season. Write down your

hopes, desires and expectations. Then, give God praise before you have begun to see the

outcome. Give Him thanks for the “building” he is about to erect. Express your gratitude for

each stepping stone He will place before you.

Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV)

By wisdom a house is built,

and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled

with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 16:3 (MSG)

Put GOD in charge of your work,

then what you’ve planned will take place.

Deuteronomy 29:9 (NIV)

Carefully follow the terms of this covenant,

so that you may prosper in everything you do.


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