Battle Lines

In the story of David and Goliath, the philistines invaded ‘Judah’, which in Hebrew means ‘praise, thanksgiving’. They then set up camp between Socoh (‘hedge, fence’) and  Ephes-Dammim, (‘boundary of blood’). The enemy often tries the same tactics today, camping out in your circumstances to stop you praising me and tempting you to disregard My blood shed for you that has already defeated him. In these instances, it is important to know how to react. 

The Israelites camped at ‘Elah’ which means ‘standing out’ and implies foolishly going along with the crowd. They did just that, giving in to fear. When Goliath (‘to expose’) of Gath (‘winepress’) tried intimidation to crush them, revealing their weaknesses, they gave into his perspective, forgetting their God-Given Identity. Instead of bearing fruit under pressure, they folded. Not surprisingly, their enemy would not leave. Only when David (‘Beloved’) wielded the weapon of My perspective, praising Me in the valley, was the giant defeated. 

Beloved, there will be times that the enemy tries to encroach on your turf, using intimidation to stop you praising Me in your circumstances.  Do not agree with him! As David did, draw a border line of the blood of Jesus between him and you that he cannot cross. Stand firm in your identity in Me, pick up the weapons of praise and My perspective and drive him out of your territory! 


Invite Holy Spirit to show you areas where Satan has been attacking your territory. Jot them down with space between. Ask if there is anything you need to change and/or repent of to evict the enemy. Repent & commit to change. Now Stand and declare, “I am a Child of the Living God, Bought by his Blood. No Weapon formed against me will prosper! I plead the blood of Jesus in a line between the enemy and ……(insert area). Now, In The Name of Jesus, I command all enemies to leave!” Then prophetically draw a line (red ideally) around each area on your page to symbolise its protection!

Revelation 12:11a (AMP)

“And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.” 

1 Samuel 17:45-46a (ESV)

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands.” 


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