David Stark

I'm co-director of the Global Prophetic Alliance

Your ‘light bulb’ moments ???? –  your Lion Bites word for today

Where there has been confusion, doubt, double-mindedness and even fear, the Father says He is going to bring ‘light bulb’ moments to your heart and mind. The moments are to bring clarity and distinction to places where you’ve felt that perhaps you’ve missed it or you’ve messed up. Know that this is not the case. […]

Your ‘light bulb’ moments ???? –  your Lion Bites word for today Read More »

You can’t bottle the light –  your Lion Bites word for today

“My light is unstoppable, it constantly blazes, consuming all darkness and illuminating your world. My spirit blows where it will, in gentle breezes or in all-powerful hurricanes, in any direction from which I send it. Can you bottle light? Can you bottle the wind? Light is not light without the source and wind cannot blow

You can’t bottle the light –  your Lion Bites word for today Read More »


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