David Stark

I'm co-director of the Global Prophetic Alliance

Grace to ‘seal the deal’  –  your Lion Bites word for today

The Lord says “there is grace to ‘seal that deal’, make that decision and step into a new season. Many of my people have been battling over deals and decisions for a long period of time, and the enemy released a curse of protracted finishing and decision-making processes, yet now I reverse this. Where the

Grace to ‘seal the deal’  –  your Lion Bites word for today Read More »

Breaker Anointing  –  your Lion Bites word for today

There is a ‘breaker anointing’ for those who would grab hold of this sledgehammer in the spirit. It is a breaker anointing for where stubborn and hard-hearts have put up walls between family members, former friendship groups and even in former Christian fellowships. Remember, you are not bringing a hammer against flesh and blood but

Breaker Anointing  –  your Lion Bites word for today Read More »


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