Arise Nathanael Generation – your Lion Bites word for today

John 1:47 AMP
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Here is an Israelite indeed [a true descendant of Jacob], in whom there is no guile nor deceit nor duplicity!”

I heard these words reverberate throughout the spiritual realms “Oh that a Nathaniel generation would arise in the earth.” This statement pulsated through every spiritual matter and could be heard echoing for miles. As the sound came to an end, the decree was repeated; “Oh that a Nathaniel generation would arise in the earth!”

God is calling for men and women who are pure of heart and washed in truth to emerge and make known the name of Jesus throughout the earth. These men and women, that’s you, understand how to work with revelation and know truth deep in their hearts. They are dedicated to the reading of and meditation on scripture and have deep spiritual rhythms that mark their day-to-day. They are those ‘in whom there is no deceit’.

“Oh that a Nathaniel generation would arise in the earth!”

Do you hear this call? Will you respond to the inquiry of the Lord as He looks for men and women of deep purity and good substance?


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