Child of God, have you been overwhelmed recently with the magnitude of what you have seen before you? Perhaps deadlines at work have seemed overpowering, situations with your family look irreparable, problems in marriage have felt irredeemable and your relationship with God has felt non-existent.
The Lord says to you today, ‘It is time to change your perspective of what you see before you. For you are called to be one who lives a ‘post-cross’ life and not a ‘pre-cross’ life. I come to you to shift your perception of what is going on around you and I say to you today: You do not need to stand at the foot of the mountain overwhelmed by its size. Rather, come up to the heavenly realms where I have seated you and see the mountain’s insignificance compared to the vastness of my beauty and brilliance. See that I have already conquered your battles and already won the victory!’
He says, ‘Come up here! See what I see – and in turn you will act as I act! Do not be overwhelmed by what goes on around but instead see things from my heavenly realm.’
Allow the Lord to alter your perspective today and shift your view of your situations. Enter into the victory that was attained for you on the cross by Jesus Christ. He shed His blood so that you might have life, life, life!
Colossians 2:14-15
He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.

Abraham’s Test (Part 1)
Begin today by reading through Genesis 22:1-8 (NLT): “Some time...
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