In these days of shaking and trial, I am calling my people to abide in me with greater depth and intentionality. Though confusion, half-truths, and deception are in the atmosphere of the world – remember the place of refuge, truth and security that you have in me. No longer be content to be with me, but instead abide IN me. Abide in my word and I will speak truth and revelation to your heart.
As we sit in scripture together, allow my Spirit to write the words upon your heart as you dwell in the richness of my presence.
Read Psalm 71 through once, then come back here and take your time reading through it again. As you read this second time, allow God to speak to you – verse by verse. Today you will work through the first half; tomorrow you will work through the second half.
Verses 1-2: Ask Holy Spirit what it means to be rescued and delivered into God’s righteousness. Think of an area of your life that God has redeemed, and ask for fresh revelation of the impact of that salvation in your life.
Verses 3-4: What does it look like for God to be your rock and fortress, your refuge from the
plans of the enemy? Ask him to reveal to you what that place of safety looks like in your life.
Verses 5-8: Ask Jesus to take you back to times in your childhood/youth where he brought you through situations, where his hand was upon you – even if you did not know it at the
time. Thank him for his faithfulness throughout your life.
Verses 9-13: We all face times when we feel that people are against us, and we are thwarted at every turn. Take time to sit in a recent disappointment – bring Holy Spirit into those feelings and ask him to redeem them according to the comfort and healing that only he can bring.
Verses 14-16: Finish this time asking God to reveal hope to you afresh for the season that you are in. Bring thanksgiving and praise to him for his righteousness and salvation in your life.