All Obedience is Small Obedience

My children, you have desired greater things, and this is to be commended. But I say to you that all obedience is small obedience. My voice directs you step-by-step. 

I allow you much freedom of choice, and I often love to see your choices, but there are times when I direct you intimately, and when I speak to you to obey in small ways. These are times that I am testing your heart, your willingness to die to yourself and live for me. 

Will you obey?

Will you heed the gentle command as well as jump at my big announcements? 

There are small things that you hold back from me out of fear, doubt,  and selfishness. I am calling them into the light; I am calling my people to walk in integrity of the highest degree. Give me those small things as well as the big, weighty things, and see how I move mightily in favour towards you as you submit to me.

Activation: Is there anything you have been delaying obedience in? Let the beautiful light of the Lord search your heart for any tiny place you’ve been withholding from the Lord, and choose this day to obey.

1 Samuel 15:22 (NKJV)  

So Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.

Acts 5:29-32 (NKJV)

Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.

The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree.

Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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