Abraham’s Trust (Part 3)

The Spirit of the Lord says, “Beloved one, there is an invitation before you to step into a deeper trust in me. My heart’s desire is that your trust in me would grow and flourish. That you would choose to trust me with all the things that matter to you, from the very small to the very big.

My beloved, you are so dear to me! There will be times when my ways do not make sense to you, but will you resolve within yourself to choose to trust me?  Let me come close to you today and remind you that I AM, and I AM the one who IS trustworthy.”


Once more, take a moment to first read through Genesis 22:1-8. Close your eyes and picture this scene of Abraham walking with Isaac. What must it have felt like to be in Abraham’s shoes? Consider Abraham’s response to Isaac when he asked him, “Where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered: “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son.” What a trust filled response!

Take sometime today to consider the level of trust you place in the Lord. 

  • What are some areas where you could trust in him more? Invite Holy Spirit into these considerations. If you are able, pray for an increased trust to arise. 
  • Repent of where you have kept God at a distance and invite him to come closer in those areas where you struggle to trust in him. 
  • Then, consider the questions that have been raised over the past two days regarding testing and obedience. How do these three things work together? 

Take some time to consider what we have learned about God’s nature in considering testing, obedience, and trust. Invite Holy Spirit to speak to you directly about how this applies to your life. 

Genesis 22:1-8 (NLT)

Some time later, God tested Abraham’s faith. “Abraham!” God called. “Yes,” he replied. “Here I am.” “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” The next morning Abraham got up early. He saddled his donkey and took two of his servants with him, along with his son, Isaac. Then he chopped wood for a fire for a burnt offering and set out for the place God had told him about. On the third day of their journey, Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. “Stay here with the donkey,” Abraham told the servants. “The boy and I will travel a little farther. We will worship there, and then we will come right back.” So Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac’s shoulders, while he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them walked on together, Isaac turned to Abraham and said, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “We have the fire and the wood,” the boy said, “but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.


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