A Spiritual Cleanse

Your body is a home for My Holy Spirit and I’m urging you to let me help you scrub it clean.  

You have a spiritual house along with the physical bricks and mortar building you live in, and for some of you I am speaking about a deep cleanse for both!

Over the years you have collected lots of possessions but haven’t realised how much some of those things weigh you down.  As you start cleaning, clearing out and getting rid of stuff, you will be amazed at the lightness and sense of well-being it brings.  This works both in the practical and the spiritual, and I love using symbols to help you see things more clearly.

I understand decluttering your physical home can feel overwhelming.  Simply asking My Spirit, ‘Where do I begin’ will save you time and effort.  Allow Holy Spirit to highlight anything which needs to go; maybe a memento from someone you no longer see, because it inspires grief hidden in your heart.  And yet, when you bring the pain to me, I get to draw close and bring you healing.

Activation: Ask Holy Spirit to direct you to something He wants you to clear out in your home.  As you embark on this chore, continue to ask more questions… Why this particular drawer, cupboard, shed, etc.,  and what it represents in your life?  Keep your spiritual ears open as you work through this process and pause when you sense Holy Spirit asking you to linger or highlighting something to you.  You will feel so much lighter by the end of it.

1 Corinthian 6:19 (NIV) 

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.


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