A Holy Moment

Just as in the days of chaos when the earth was void, without form, and dark, I am moving upon the face of the earth. And amidst the chaos, I have felt the deep hunger and desperation of the people who want true freedom from the wicked oppression of Pharoah – a freedom that only I can give. This is a holy moment. 

Just as Moses encountered Me at the burning bush and I commissioned him, I am now commissioning you to go and boldly proclaim My message. Break the bands of wickedness as you cry out and call My people back to Me. You must also reach out to those who do not know Me, instructing them to turn to Me with all their hearts. Now is the time to seek Me and to find Me. 

As I commission you for this purpose, I ask you today: Will you press in for all that I am? Will you come to meet with Me when I call? Will you stand for Me, and will you be satisfied with Me alone? I long for My bride, yearning for her dedication. I desire to see My bride entirely devoted to Me and completely in love with only Me. 

My people, you must seek Me. Meet and connect with Me daily, and share your heart and life with Me. In seeking Me, you will find life! Abide in Me, and you will multiply and bear much fruit. I will bless you wherever you go!


Take a moment to reflect with God on the tasks and people He is calling you to serve. Genuinely ask Him to help you evaluate the following areas:

  • Am I being fruitful in the assignments He has given me?
  • Am I truly multiplying what He has entrusted to me according to His standards?

Additionally, ask Him if there is a need for you to change your approach to be more impactful for His Kingdom. Whatever guidance He provides, follow His instructions. By doing so, you will be truly fruitful as you multiply for the Kingdom of God.

Jer 29:13 (ESV)

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. 

Rev 3:20 (NIV)

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.


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