In My hand I carry a sickle made of pure gold, refined in the fire of My glory. It has been tested, tried, and found worthy for use in the Kingdom of God. I have removed every kind of impurity that would make it brittle or weak so that it does not break during times of intense pressure. The harvest season is long and laborious, so I have ensured that this tool will serve Me reliably as I thresh the fields. This sickle represents My church and I have sharpened her for the task ahead. She has been well prepared for the coming season, and I can rely on her to work smoothly with My Spirit. It is time to see a great harvest of souls come into the Kingdom of God. It is time to swing My bride as a sharp threshing sledge over the ripe fields of the nations!
Prayer: Jesus, here I am, send me where you need me. Show me how I can co-labor with you to see the full harvest come in!
Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV)
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”
Isaiah 41:15 (NIV)
“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff.”