I the Lord am worthy of all praise, glory, and adoration! Tell the generations about My greatness and acts of great power! Do not keep your stories and testimonies to yourself; they are meant to be shared and expounded upon! The name Yahweh is to be passed down through all generations, just as a tiered fountain pours water from one basin into the next. My story is woven throughout the tapestry of history, creating an extravagant love story that threads through the family trees of the world. It’s time to release what is burning deeply within your heart. Be strong and courageous to tell others about Me because there are many who are perishing who need to hear what you have to say. Do not be afraid to speak up with boldness, proclaiming the gospel message with demonstrations of love and power. Do not be muzzled again by fear but break free so you can proclaim who I am to the earth!
Activation: Repent for any partnership you’ve made with fear and silence. Renounce it and break it off of your life. Then ask the Lord to fill you back up with perfect love and boldness so you can start speaking up!
Psalm 145:3-4 (NIV)
“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”