Job 22:28
You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.
You are made in God’s image and therefore your words have power! God spoke and the heavens and the earth came into being. (All He needed do was speak and it was created.) God has given you a voice and it is one that can shift your mindsets, your family circumstances, the atmosphere around you and so much more to line up with the Kingdom of Heaven. I hear the Spirit of God say to you, “Son, Daughter, begin today to declare My Word over yourself; declare My truth about who I say you are. Declare My goodness, My promises over your life, your family’s life, your circumstances. Speak these things into the atmosphere: declare and decree them over yourself and see things begin to shift! “
As you begin to declare what God says in His written word, a shift begins to happen in the spiritual realm, which then becomes manifest in the natural realm. There is power in your spoken word and there is a mandate on you as a Son or Daughter of the King to use it to bring about God’s Kingdom and His Kingdom purposes here on earth!
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.