Jesus, your Saviour, your redeemer, calls to you today:
‘Come and find me. Come and find me again’.
He is deepening – and even renewing – intimacy between Him and you – between Heaven and earth. Come to Him and He will heal and restore your understanding and experience of intimacy. Where human relationships have bruised, damaged, corrupted and perverted our understanding of true, intimate love, He will rescue, heal and restore us. He calls to us: ‘Come – ask me, ask me what it looks like. Come under my protective wing, my precious child. Walk away from self-destructive habits of false intimacy. Come to me for freedom from the spirits of control and manipulation that have smothered your ability to receive love’.
Look for Him today. Heaven’s kiss awaits you.
Proverbs 8:17
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.