Can you feel her excitement? Can you feel her awe and wonder? Can you imagine what Mary must have been thinking as she prepared to give birth to the Son of God?
Prophetic Activation: Stop and close your eyes. The Lord wants you, right now, to feel that anticipation, excitement, wonder and childlike faith that Mary must have had before Jesus was revealed to the Earth. Ask Him to show you how she was feeling and what she was thinking.
Take time to ponder how Mary had to walk to find somewhere to birth, somewhere to reveal the King. Think about how she felt as she experienced birthing pains while not knowing how she would parent the Son of God. For just as Mary marvelled and pondered these things, so the Lord is saying, “Yet again I am birthing a new remnant in this hour! Even though you feel as if you are walking, without a place to go, even though you are experiencing those birthing aches and pains, go back to that encounter that Mary had with me. Go back to the place where I showed you Mary’s excitement and anticipation for the King to be revealed as this is the position I need you to be in as I prepare to give birth to my Glory Church!”
Luke 1:38 TPT
Then Mary responded, saying, “This is amazing! I will be a mother for the Lord! As his servant, I accept whatever he has for me. May everything you have told me come to pass.” And the angel left her.
Luke 2:19 NIV
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.