Opportunities for Connection
Senior Prophets
A worldwide, relational alliance of those with a recognised and established office as a prophet in a region, church, network, denomination or nation
Who is this Level for?
We want to be a place of connection for senior established prophets globally who desire to be grafted into an apostolic and prophetic alliance that places a high value on the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. At our core, we are revealing the voice of God to the nations and desire to network and gather likeminded prophets who align with this vision.
This level of connection is for prophets with a recognised and established office in a region, church, network, denomination or nation, who are seeking ongoing support, encouragement and relationship with other prophets and who would benefit from the resources that a large apostolic network hub can provide. Prophets can be members of existing denominations and/or networks – it’s not an exclusive club!
If this is you then we welcome you to consider applying.

Louise Reid
Louise Reid, along with her husband Nigel, leads Mountain View Community Church, an Apostolic Hub in Co Wicklow, Ireland.
Born and raised in Ireland (with some Scottish blood!), she spent her formative ministry years in the south of England in several apostolic streams, training in church planting and leadership. Returning home to Ireland in 2000 along with their three children, the Reids planted Mountain View, which has evolved from being a busy church in a local town to an apostolic/prophetic hub focused on the island of Ireland, the surrounding celtic nations, and Europe. Louise oversees and leads breakthrough worship, effective intercession and the development of prophetic call of the community, whilst growing in her own call as an Irish prophet!
Louise has a keen eye for strategy and organisation, and is delighted to be part of the British Isles Council of Prophets.
Her family, along with 3 badly-behaved dogs are her joy, and she has just become a grandmother!!
What does connection offer?
- A worldwide, relational alliance of senior, recognised prophets
- Fostering opportunities to learn from one another
- Mutually supporting, stretching and encouraging one another
- Raising the bar for prophets and prophecy around the world in a non-competitive, Kingdom-minded atmosphere
- Accountability through peer relationship
- A covering for you and your ministry
- Commissioning by the public laying on of hands (with impartation, prophecy and welcome) as a Senior Prophet
- In some cases, if the Global Prophetic Alliance is your primary place of spiritual association and accountability and you fill the appropriate criteria, we may ordain you into your five-fold office of prophet (if you’ve never been ordained). This is particularly offered to vocational (full-time) ministers with a Levitical call to spiritual service.
Benefits of Belonging
Annual GPA Leaders’ Retreat for three days in the Scottish countryside. Each year we’ll gather the network’s senior prophets and leaders from across the world for a time of strengthening, equipping and relational networking.
Relational Networking
You’ll be connected into a worldwide relational network of peer prophets for mutual support, encouragement and sharing. We'll also connect you with a member of our team who'll facilitate on-going communication and support.