The Lord asks: “What is joy that the human heart can discern? Mankind’s joy is but a hollow laugh. It is like a small silver coin, valued one day and lost the next. It is as fleeting as tulips in Spring; a breath of wind and the petals are gone. It appears one minute like the rainbow and then as quickly it vanishes.
But joy in Me is everlasting. It knows no beginnings or endings. It has no boundaries or limits. Its worth cannot be calculated. Its benefits cannot be measured. It transcends human wisdom. It does not favour some over others. It is offered freely but rarely is it received. My children, honour Me with all your heart. Follow My ways with obedience. Praise Me in all circumstances. Approach My presence with thanksgiving on your lips. Then you will find ‘joy in the Lord,’ My blessing for eternity.”
Think about some of the small, daily pleasures that give you joy. Thank the Lord for these. Try to eliminate hurry from your schedule because that is where we breeze past moments of joy that the Lord wants to give us. Ask Holy Spirit to transform your heart and mind to celebrate the setbacks as well as the victories to increase your joy quotient. Pray to the Lord to make you more receptive to the wonder of pure joy that is found in creation, in scripture, and in the promises that He has made over you. Let your spirit bask in these and thank Him for His blessings of joy.
Psalm 16:11 (NIV)
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 19:7-8 (NIV)
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
Jeremiah 31:12 (NIV)
They will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion; they will rejoice in the
bounty of the Lord – the grain, the new wine and the olive oil, the young of the
flocks and herds. They will be like a well-watered garden and they will sorrow no more.