Don’t Back Down

My sons and daughters, know that you are a great warrior. Therefore you must not worry, fear or be complacent in this season of warfare. The enemy has sent an assignment of weariness upon my chosen ones, but you have the authority to overcome through me! 

Continue to warfare, as the attacks will come as you begin to build and shift into the new season. Therefore, do not back down! I know that you may feel tired but know that this can be broken, NOW! 

When you feel weariness overtake you, remember to enter into my rest and know it may be the assignment of the enemy who will try to thwart you this season. I have given you all power and authority to overcome, so stand firm in confidence during this pivotal season of transition.


1. Know that you have the power to break off any attacks from the enemy through Jesus. He is the name above all names! Renew your mind with the word so that you can know you are more than a conqueror in Jesus.

2. If you have been feeling heavy and weary this season, ask God if you have partnered with weariness from the enemy. If so, repent and ask Him to lift it off you.

3. Speak this over yourself today;

‘I break off weariness, heaviness, distraction and containment and command them to leave now in Jesus’ name’.

Do not back down. Warfare seasons can feel intense, but keep pushing through with prayer, fasting and worshipping and continue to warfare every day. Ask the Lord to show you new ways to enter into his rest. Remember you are a warrior and your battle is the Lord’s, He is fighting for you and with you.

Romans 8:37 (NLT)
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

John 10:10 (NIV)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


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