
Beloved, how does it feel to be called by name today?

Remember that I have called you; in this season I am bringing you into this place of purified calling. I’m asking you to rest for a season to reflect on the words of Jesus and remember the call to seek his kingdom first.

There are many other fires of passion and desire in your life, but remember that I am the fire above all other fires.

I am the fire of burning passion and desire that you must come to to be purified again. I am the fire of love who wants to meet with your heart and consecrate your desires again. 

You will find no other love greater than Me. 

You will find no other purpose greater than Me. 

You are made to be found in Me and Me alone.

There are other things which you have found identity in, good things, but they are not going to keep you burning. I am not absent from your desires, but I want your full desire for me to be burning again. I want your consecration. I want your purity.

Come back to your calling being found in me alone, above all other pursuits. 

Activation: Dwell on what it means to be found in Christ again today. Ask the Holy Spirit where there are other fires of passion and desire burning in your life which need to be brought into consecration again. Make a note of these areas and bring them before Christ, asking him to consecrate your desires. 

Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 

Matthew 6:21 (NIV)

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 


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