Journey with Me

My precious one,

We are on a journey together. There have been many times we have ventured out and you have rushed ahead, filled with joy, excitement, and expectation but unaware of the terrain. I have rescued you, nursed the resulting wounds, and taken you back to the correct route. On other occasions, I have stretched out my hand encouraging you to proceed with me and you made slow steps, fearful that the trek would be too steep, too harsh or take you in a direction you would not be suited to. These have been learning experiences.

Today, I remind you, walk along with me my precious one. 

Let’s move forward together hand in hand. Don’t run ahead, don’t lag behind. Understand that woven into this plan is timing, pace, rest, equipping and protection. I am with you and even though you don’t know all that is ahead I know this course. You have been prepared by me and I know that you will advance and grow in this undertaking. 

Trust me to lead you. 

Continue with me in peace and let me show you how joyful us moving together can be.


Lord Jesus, I praise you and ask you to give me boldness to travel with you. I understand that to do this, I need to trust you. Forgive me for the times I have doubted you or felt I could do this by myself. I desire to be led through confidence in you. So, Lord, thank-you that I get to partner with you today for I want to journey with you.

Psalm 23:2-4 (The Voice)

He provides me rest in rich, green fields

beside streams of refreshing water.

He soothes my fears;

He makes me whole again,

steering me off worn, hard paths

to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.

Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness,

I am not overcome by fear.

Because You are with me in those dark moments,

near with Your protection and guidance,

I am comforted.


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