Be Wise

My people,

In these days I need a people who are wise, a people who will listen when I speak and allow their discernment to be sharpened. In these days, I need you to be a voice of wisdom. I have storehouses of wisdom that I would release upon the earth but there needs to be people ready to receive and release it. Speak wisdom to your family, to your neighbours, to strangers that you meet. 

Cherish the wisdom I give you by enveloping it in your heart, ready to release it to those who I highlight to you.

Don’t give up when you don’t understand what I say to you. Value my wisdom so much that you are prepared to intercede for insight – to hungrily pursue a deeper comprehension.

The world is searching for wisdom in these days and I would have my people’s voices fill that void.  

Activation: Read through Proverbs 2:1-10 in your favourite translation then spend time reflecting on your relationship with God’s wisdom. Is it something that you value? Next, spend time in prayer asking that God would share his wisdom with you and prepare you to be a voice of wisdom for him in the earth.

Proverbs 2:1-3 (NLT)

My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.

Psalm 103:18-19 (TPT)

You are faithful to all those who follow your ways and keep your word. YAHWEH has established his throne in heaven; his kingdom rules the entire universe. 


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