Called Forth

You have spent this past season in a small space, in a place of refuge and renewal. At times you have felt closed in, restricted and claustrophobic. You have questioned my plans and purposes for your life.

For you have felt the pull within your spirit to more – to bigger and wider places. Dear one, know that this has been my purpose for you all along. For within the hidden place I have been cultivating your heart with the fire of my Spirit, so that now you feel my word burning in your very bones.

I have spoken deep truth to you in this time, and have seeded it far within you. The embers of these seeds have been stirring, and now it is time for me to fan them into flame by my Spirit.

The time of refuge has now become a time of release, as you are called forth into the plans that I have prepared for your refined heart. For it was only in the hidden place that I could ready you for the wide open space that I have prepared for you to walk into.

Take the lessons that you have learned in the secret – the surrender, the reliance, the trust, the obedience. Hold onto them to keep you grounded as the fire of my word within you readies to ignite. Come now, to the place into which I am calling you forth.

Activation: Spend some time in the spirit reflecting on the season you have been in, and the ways in which God has refined your heart. Now, ask the Spirit to draw your attention to the things within you that are stirring & burning for what is next. Ask Him to reveal them to you in a specific way, and to show you the first step you need to take into where he is calling you forth.

Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV)

But if I say “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.


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