Present Yourself

When the walls of Jericho came down, who was at the front of the march?  Those who played the instruments and led the charge with song and worship. Worship is one of the most powerful weapons in my Kingdom. I would have you view worship as a battlefield to fight from, pushing back the enemy’s advances. 

When my people praise my name, things change. 

When my people humble themselves, things change. 

When my people posture themselves in adoration, things change.

It’s not because I need to hear how great I am. It’s because you need to step into a place of honour and humility before your King! The one who does have the capability to order your steps, make straight your paths and defend you in times of attack.  I AM the I AM and I can and will defend and preserve you. You only need to present yourself before me, your King, and allow my presence to guide you where you need to go.  

You may not feel like worshipping, you may be tired, you could be grieving, perhaps you feel alone. Worship, however, is not just in music for it is a life that you live. It is a lifestyle of praise and adoration, of obedience and joy, kindness and compassion. 

Present yourself to me today in a posture of worship.

Activation: Study Joshua 6 and see how God provided for the children of Israel as they walked around the city walls. When it was accompanied with faith and obedience and with a battle cry raised to God to do what He instructed them to do, the walls came down. So as they will in your life as you do what the Father instructs you to do and you live a lifestyle of worship to the Father and apply faith to what He is asking of you. 

Isaiah 25:1  (AMP)

Oh Lord, You are my God; I will exalt you, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; For You have done miraculous things, Plans formed long, long ago, [fullfilled] with perfect faithfulness. 

Psalms 46:10 (AMP) 

Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.


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