Burn for Me

I call you today to give yourself over to me to allow me, the God who is an all consuming fire, fill your life, your senses, your nostrils, and your whole being. Let the fire consume you. Give yourself over to me utterly.

In the surrender you receive the promises I have to give to you – not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit. Don’t put off surrendering to me. Dive in and enjoy the glory I have for you! Surrender comes from a heart of joy and gladness: gratitude is in every part of the act of giving. As you give yourself to me I give myself to you. Prepare to receive all this. Expect my goodness.

Activation: This is God’s invitation to reset your internal dialogue with gratitude. To do that, go to the source of all gratitude: rejoice in who He is. The God of all good gifts, the God who made everything, the God who is your safety, the God who is your gladness! 

Take time today to encounter Him today saying, ‘I thank you that you are…’ and then declare an aspect of who He is. Maybe work through the list of His names in the Bible.

As you put yourself in a posture of rejoicing, you are putting yourself in a posture of surrender – the posture in which God will come to you with everything He has for you, because it is a posture of complete faith, attentiveness and obedience. 

As you thank Him about every aspect of who he is, notice when you come across an aspect where you hold back or are a little unsure about feeling how good God is. You need to understand that part of His character, His goodness, and set yourself rejoicing in Him, so ask Him to reveal it to you and dig deep to find out about it. Let your heart be soft – let His promises and answers arrive in whatever form he wants them to take. Allow His answer to be something you weren’t expecting. Expect to see His goodness.

This is your strategy this season for how you choose to be filled with more faith and so live in  God’s goodness.

Luke 18:8 (NLT)

I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?

Isaiah 58:8 (NIV)

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.


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