Called to Stand

Your battlecry has come – Stand! 

Stand on the promises of God. Stand on His Word. Stand on faith that God will move. For this is a moment of pressing; a time of unusual pressure but you are called to stand in this season. 

Lay all the pieces of your life on the altar of God and wait for the fire of the Lord to fall on your heart (Psalm 5:3-8). Follow the Biblical map God has given you to wear the armour of God which contains truth, righteousness, and peace. Do everything He has called you to do and at the end of all this, stand. For though the devil may scheme, the Lord has already won. 

Activation: Ask God to show you what each piece of His armour looks like, as you put it on. What type of material is used? What colours? What decorations? How was your amour made by God especially for you? Write down what the Lord shows or tells you and make it a regular practice to put on the armour of God and stand.

Ephesians 6:13 (NIV)

Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 


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