
When you gave your life to me, I the Holy Spirit came to live in you, to dwell with you and to be your helper. Some of you forget that I am indwelling. 

You are always connected to me and I am ever present in your lives. Do not cast me aside for I do not distance myself from you.

I do not disconnect.

I do not remove my voice from you or make myself absent in your presence when you are being led by me. For some of you it feels like we live in the same house but

make our dwelling places in different rooms, together but with some separation. I am asking you to come closer, to live with me, to dwell with me. 

I want to be part of every aspect of your life with no places of disconnection. Will you open up all areas of your life to me? 

Will you abide in me? Will you cohabitate with me in ways we have never experienced one another before? 

I am asking you to come up higher in this season but first I ask you to dwell with me in my presence at all times.

Activation: Choose to be transparent and honest not only with Holy Spirit in these moments but also with yourself. Take some time to reflect on what he has brought to mind as you have been reading the word and hearing his desire to dwell in closer proximity to you. Lean in and listen to him as he shares with you the things he wants from you in this. Be obedient and choose to say yes to whatever he asks you to do. Ask him to help you be more aware of his presence daily and to learn to live in this new place of awareness.

You are a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, He lives in you, you are interconnected, interwoven and together in all aspects of your life, there is no disconnection from him, He is always close, always near, and always with you.

John 14:15-17 (ESV)

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.


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