Upon the Waters

I have called you out upon the waters.

I told the disciples to get into the boat, despite knowing the storm that they would face (Matt. 14:22). I did not prevent the storm, for it was in the storm that they saw the demonstration of my power, causing them to understand who I really am (Matt. 14:33).

I know you feel now that the waves are coming against you, that you are fighting to hold them back and that you are in danger of sinking, losing all that you have built.

Know that I have called you to this place so that you can learn more about who I am.

Do not be afraid when I move in unexpected ways (Matt. 14:26). Do not be so focused on the storm, or the effects of the wind, that you miss what I am doing. For when I show up it will not be as you expect. It will be in ways that surprise, challenge, and amaze you. In ways that reveal to you the mysteries and the wonder of who I AM.

What will your response to me be? 

Will it be to cower in the boat? 

Or will you follow Peter’s lead and ask me to call you further? (Matt. 14:28).

When your heart is turned towards me, I will always call you further and deeper – there is always more for you to step into when you lean into my ways, however unexpected they are. Peter started to sink because he let his fear of the situation around him overtake his trust in me (Matt. 14:29-31). You know my voice and you know that I have called you out – so keep your eyes fixed on me and I will uphold you as you stand upon the waters with me.

Activation: Ask Jesus to show you where you are in the boat right now. Are you cowering on the deck? Peering over the edge? Or do you already have one leg over the side? Wherever you find yourself, fix your eyes on Jesus and ask Him to call you further. Ask Him what that means in your current situation, what is He asking you to trust Him with? Intentionally set your heart to Him and lean into His surprising and wonderful plans for you.


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