Meet the gaze of Jesus – your Lion Bites word for today

Jesus says to you today, ‘My precious child, rise! Get up from your knees, straighten up and begin to walk tall. Come, let me look you in the eye! Let’s look at each other, eye-to-eye!’

And He continues speaking to you, ‘Why do you keep dropping your head in shame and with a self-condemnation every time you see me? I have set you free from these things; why have you put your old slave-rags back on? Why do you fear my rejection? I do not reject you!’

Today your King beckons you to walk as a prince, with your back straight and your head held high, able to meet His gaze. His eyes are wide-open and white-hot with a blazing love, not narrowed and darkened with condemnation. As you stand before Him with a repentant heart, listen to Him and allow Him to persuade you to meet His gaze full-on.

If this makes you feel uncomfortable you are probably moving in the right direction! Eventually, as you listen to Him and allow His eyes to shine on you, you will begin to feel comfortable with His loving gaze. Begin a journey of knowing what it is like to be looked on with perfect love.

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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