The spirit of the Lord says ‘I am enabling you to see yourself and your situations through a different light; one of solution, victory and hope. No longer will you look and see desolation without restoration, or issues without a solution. This day, I am giving you a new lens to look through.
As I do this, I am miraculously healing you of trauma that has caused you to react to certain situations in a negative way. I am picking this trauma up and off you, setting you free to act from revelation rather than react from pain.
So invite me to come with freedom and with new sight; to heal your heart and give you a new lens to look through. This is a significant day of change in your life.’
2 Kings 6:17
Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.