You, Lion, are mine; you’re the apple of my eye!
As one who belongs to me, it’s time to get rid of those bad thoughts – the ‘stinking thinking’ you find yourself trapped by – and start to think like I do. If I chose to love you, then surely you must want to do the same. You see, when you don’t agree with my thinking you are actually out of agreement with me and this is not my desire for you. Come into agreement with me again, clear out those ‘less than’ thoughts of who you are and begin to believe me when I say ‘You are the apple of my eye’. Surely I should know best, I made you; I knit you together in your mother’s womb.
Ask me today to show you the ‘you’ I see and not the ‘you’, you see. You will be pleasantly surprised – even amazed – at what I’ll reveal to you.
Zechariah 2:8
For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.