Don’t Run Dry

Don’t let the oil dry within you. 

Don’t wait till it runs out. 

Do not be like the five foolish virgins who were without the oil. They didn’t allow Me to circumcise their hearts or connect to their Master to keep their oil overflowing. They weren’t prepared. Instead, they were distracted and allowed their oil to run empty.

My oil trickles within you when you submit your whole life to Me. It trickles continuously through crushing and squeezing out all impurities that I have not orchestrated in you. Just as the olive goes through a process of crushing to produce pure oil, My oil trickles through a daily process. This is where you submit your will to Mine by taking up your cross, dying to yourself, and you keep following My will.

You are asking me to burn you for My ways and My will! 

How can My fire burn when there is no oil in you? 

How can a lampstand burn without oil? 

You are My lampstand but you need My light to shine brightly. To burn My light, a high standard is required from you. This high Standard comes from walking and living in the Fear of The Lord.

Reflection: God’s heart is for His people to walk in the Fear of the Lord. He is re-establishing the beauty of walking in reverential Fear of God so that we can walk in obedience to His ways. This is a mandate for His people to live ready every day. When you are going through a crushing process, embrace it; I am not saying it is not painful as we weren’t promised that. However, it will produce something beautiful in us in preparation for His spotless bride.

Leviticus 24:1-4 (MSG)

God spoke to Moses: “Order the People of Israel to bring you virgin olive oil for light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually. Aaron is in charge of keeping these lamps burning in front of the curtain that screens The Testimony in the Tent of Meeting from evening to morning continually before God. This is a perpetual decree down through the generations. Aaron is responsible for keeping the lamps burning continually on the Lampstand of pure gold before God.”

Matthew 25:9-10 (MSG)

They answered, “There might not be enough to go around; go buy your own.” They did, but while they were out buying oil, the bridegroom arrived. When everyone who was there to greet him had gone into the wedding feast, the door was locked.


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