A Wrestle in a Winepress, Part 2 –  your Lion Bites word for today

Judges 6:15
“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

With fear gone, many of you are looking in your hands and feeling like Gideon did – ‘I don’t have enough to do anything of significance!’. But God speaks to you like He did to Gideon, He calls you a mighty warrior and gives to you a miracle of doing much with little.

God is stretching what is in your hands – for some, there are miracles of multiplication coming to you. He’s enabling you to do way more than is humanly possible with the resources He has given you, whether that be money, skills, products or ideas. Don’t run around like Gideon did trying to build the biggest army. Instead, let God refine you down to the size and capacity He needs you to be and leave a huge God-gap in your life for Him to pull through with the miraculous.

Receive the miracle of doing much with little, the miracles of stretching and multiplication. Look at your hands from God’s perspective and see the enormous amount of transformation the little is about to create.

Judges 7:7
The LORD said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home.”

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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