
Close your hands into a fist loosely in front of you. 

Next, take a deep breath in and then slowly let it out. 

Now, look at your closed fists in front of you and imagine that your own hands are in fact mine – the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Just look at them and then slowly open up your fists so that your palms are facing you. Take a moment and imagine that your own name is engraved in bold type, right there on those palms. How does this make you feel?

Now, what if I told you I have, in fact, engraved your name into the palm of my hands. That I will not forget you. You will not be, nor have you ever been forgotten — you are engraved into the palms of my hands.

Isaiah 49:15b-16 (NIV)

I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…


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