He notices every tear – your Lion Bites word for today

I saw a picture of shelves filled with beautiful glass bottles of different shapes and sizes. Some were new and some were very old and covered in dust. All were reverently and carefully cared for and stored safely on the huge shelves.

The bottles are filled with the tears of the saints; tears shed by God’s people in times of persecution, rejection, loneliness, pain, sickness and disease. Each tear is precious and has been carefully collected and stored by the Lord.

Beloved, your bottle of tears is also recorded and stored here. Take heart, dear one, that not one of your tears has been shed and not noticed. Not one tear falls from your eyes that God doesn’t know about or see.

What a Father we have, whose love for us is so great and who considers us so precious to Him, that He would collect each and every tear and store them in bottles until the day when there are no more tears!

Oh how we look forward to that great marriage feast when all tears are wiped away and we will dance with our Saviour in Heaven!

Psalm 56:8
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.


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