Deep Refreshing – your Lion Bites word for today

In your running of the race you have known a great sense of joy and excitement but in recent times you may have become increasingly aware of a weariness and even a spiritual dehydration.

Just as a glass of ice-cold water is invaluable to a marathon runner’s endeavour, bringing hydration vital to their pursuit of the finish line, so the Lord is coming to you to bring a deep refreshing to your wearied soul, providing you with the nutrients that you need to push you toward the finish line.

This deep refreshing brings a vitality to you that will be greater than what you have known before – it does not just refresh but it reinvigorates you. Once more you will feel a zeal for the call of God on your life come back to you, a burning passion deep in your bones. Rather than your destiny – the finish line – feeling incredibly unattainable, you will be aware of a courage rising inside of you that will help you to push past impossibilities and limitations that would have once stopped you dead in your tracks.

As you drink God’s deep refreshing, be aware as healing comes to any low-grade ‘niggles’ in your body – for example tension headaches that you’ve have had for years, a blocked nose that never seems to go away, pain in your lower back that you’ve grown used to or a stiffness in your joints that is beyond your years. And watch as God lifts a burden of confusion that has been clouding your judgment, or a fuzziness in your thinking.

God is cheering you on as you pursue your finish line and He is hydrating your body, mind and spirit with all that you require to run with great endurance and speed.

Isaiah 40:30-31
Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.


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