Just and Righteous

I am a just and righteous God. 

You will see me move more and more as a judge on this earth. What has been in the hidden will be seen in the light and what has been spoken in secret will be proclaimed from the housetops. For too long have my children forgotten about me and who I am.

Judgement starts within my house and that is what I am doing right now. 

I am longing so much to see my bride purified and sanctified. Jesus will only come back for a spotless bride. It is my love that calls you to repentance. 

Do you hear the cry of my heart? 

Repent and turn away from your wicked ways. Humble yourselves before me. Search me and surrender all to me. I am close to the broken hearted but I resist the proud.

Now is your chance to come back to me. 

I so long for you. 

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting. But if my bride doesn’t turn away from their wicked ways I will have to do something, because I am just and righteous.

Psalm 11:7 (TPT)

But remember this: the Righteous Lord loves what is right and just, and every godly one will

come into his presence and gaze upon his face.

Luke 12:2-3 (ESV)

Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore

whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.

Psalm 97:1-2 (NIV)

The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Clouds and thick

darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.


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