Good tension?! – your Lion Bites word for today

God has allowed some ‘good’ tensions to rise inside of you in recent months which have caused a cry to burst from you, saying things like, ‘My life is made for more than this!’ Such a cry would not have come forth from you if you did not feel these tensions pulling at your life and absorbing your attention.

The tension of what-has-been and what-has-yet-to-come may be one that you have been processing; the feeling like you are moving forward into ‘the new’ and yet still stuck in ‘the old’. And for some, the tension of partial healing versus a completed work of healing has been a present struggle. Whatever the tension may be, know that God has made space for it to rise but is not making a space for it to settle forever.

Father God says, ‘My children, if I did not allow you to experience the frustrations of two seasons – old and new – then you would not have your righteous and authentic cry to move into the full measure of the new era I have for my church. This cry, whilst painfully deep at times, is catapulting you into a fuller measure of my Kingdom and my present truth than you have experienced in prior seasons.

The tension between old and new is not a settling place but a momentum-building place. A place where I cause a pruning, a preparing and an envisioning to come to you so that you run, full-steam ahead, into this new era of time.’

Today, if you have felt the tension, tell God that you are ready for whatever new things He wants to move you into. Tell Him that you are willing to go the distance, to run the race and to push through into the new era He has for His church.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.


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