Stepping into outrageous faith – your Lion Bites word for today

You were not made for the mediocre but you were made for the greater. Your call is not to conform to unfruitful patterns but to live a life in the wind of the Holy Spirit.

Sons and daughters, it is time to remember who you were made you be. Remind yourself that you are made in the very image of God and that you are called according to the purposes of His heart. He made you a warrior, part of His army, one who would advance His Kingdom into the darkness and release His ways into places of destitution. You are a power-filled, sent-one, marked by His Spirit and now He is calling up a new level of His miraculous to be outworked in your life.

Signs, wonders, and miracles are to be your norm if you step out to make this possible. Your life is to display the story of God’s greatness and might through demonstrations of His Kingdom. You are one of His ambassadors, one who brings His values to the earth.

Son, daughter, would you rise up and out of your lack of faith and into outrageous faith? Would you move out of your comfort zone and advance into the darkness?

Today, tell God your response to these questions He asks of you. He will only work through your ‘yes’.

John 14:12
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.


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