The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is roaring over your emotions and your thought processes right now, disintegrating every demonic stronghold in your mind.
I am watching as The Lion of Judah (Jesus) takes position on a clifftop, above a valley filled with all manner of poisonous growth and a stench of rotting decay. This valley represents your mind in recent times. Depression, anxiety, worry, an inability to fully relax, impure sexual thoughts and attractions, gender confusion may have occupied your mind – but Jesus has a solution.
As He stands looking over this valley – your mind – He roars and the growth begins to recoil. Again He roars and the stench of decay retreats. He roars and continues to, with each one thundering through the valley and disintegrating all manner poisonous growth. Every demonic stronghold in your mind – gone. Every curse of depression, bi-polar, anxiety and other dark mental weights – gone.
He moves from the cliff and begins to wander through the now cleared valley. But this time He doesn’t roar. He STAMPS on each area of land, marking it as His own possession and, as He does so, life, growth, fruit and vibrancy begin to fill the valley. Your once decayed emotions and thinking is now filled with all manner of godly and vibrant emotions. Joy, peace, happiness, creativity and an ability to concentrate abound.
As your mind is marked as Jesus’ possession, you will find creative business ideas, wisdom to handle family situations, faith-filled decision making and a good night’s sleep will also be released.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has roared over your mind – death and decay are gone.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has marked your mind as His – Godly emotions have come.
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.