Give me your burdens – your Lion Bites word for today

‘Come and give up your burdens to me’, says the Lord. ‘I am here with a sack so that you can cast all your present hindrances and tensions into the midst of it. It is a sack of fire and it will burn and consume all that is thrown into it. These things will not escape and come back to you once you give them to me.

They are being burned up, once and for all, so that you can walk unburdened and unhindered again. Remember who I am. I am the Lord your God, your Saviour and deliverer. All things are under me. Pull off all tensions, all shackles, all burdens, all stresses, all heavy weights, all chains, all things that are making you weary and all ungodly yokes that have been thrown over your shoulders. Pull them off now, in my name, and give them to me now – throw them in this sack of fire, that they might be wholly consumed.

Now, walk forward in a new lightness; turn and face the day with a new perspective, now that you are no longer bent over by those things that were not yours to carry.

Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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