Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Recently, you may have been contending with an excruciating feeling of your perceived inadequacy to fulfil the call of God on your life in recent times. An overwhelming sense of what you lack has been harassing at the forefront of your mind.
BUT you are made in the image of God and justified by His act on the cross. At the point of your salvation, you and Christ became one, your spirit joined with the Holy Spirit, gifting you access to all that you need. And, through immersion in the Holy Spirit, you were filled with the power to accomplish the destiny that God has placed on your shoulders. In your moments of prayer and intercession you are joined by a host of angel armies, fighting for you and making a way for you to walk in your calling. As you spend time with God, he renews you and fills you with the ability to prove his will.
You see, you are not inadequate nor are you lacking! For God has placed within you all that you need now, and all you ever will need. Your biggest challenge will be to learn to draw on it and operate out of oneness with the Spirit and not from striving in the flesh.
Focus on your spirit for a moment today; look and see what you have access to already. Do you need a creative solution for an issue with your children? Look inside. What about an answer to solve a problem with miscommunication at work? Again, look inside.
For every issue, problem and difficulty, there is already and answer on the inside of you.
1 Corinthians 6:17
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.