Are you tired of waiting for My promise to manifest?
Are you at the brim of losing hope?
Why do you doubt My words? My words give you life.
Do you not trust My timing?
I AM breathing fresh hope into your weary soul. Receive it now with faith. Those places where you have lost hope, with My breath, they are coming back to life. As I told Ezekiel to prophesy over the dead bones, prophesy over the dead dreams and visions in your life. Decree the promise over them. Do not embrace complacency and settle in the place where I have asked you to move. You might think, “Lord , I have heard that before but nothing has happened yet!” But, I say to you now, “Do it again!
When I repeat, it means I AM confirming the words that I spoke.
Activation: Read, study, and meditate on Psalm 43. As you read quietly with Him, allow His whisper to emanate within you. Make notes in your journal.
Psalm 119:81-83 (NCV)
I am weak from waiting for You to save me, but I hope in Your word. My eyes are tired from looking
for Your promise. When will You comfort me? Even though I am like a wine bag going up in smoke,
I do not forget Your demands.