
The Lord is saying, ‘Beloved, the love I share is not to be held back from anyone, for I will

show mercy to those I choose. Furthermore, I have chosen you to share that personal love

through Jesus, my Son. There is a gap between what you know in your lives and what you are able to share with others. 

BE FILLED to overflowing with my love, my joy, and my compassion for you. 

Take my heart for the world and overflow from the Spirit who lives in all you who have called on the name of Christ for salvation. There is an abundance to go around. I am eternal. You cannot outgive me.’

The scriptures declare the fast that the Lord chooses: to loose the chains of injustice, to set

the oppressed free, share food with the hungry, provide the poor wanderer with shelter and

clothe the naked (See Isaiah 58:6-7).

The challenge is great and the harvest is ready for gathering.

Be blessed to overflowing in the spiritual blessings from the heavenly places in your words,

deeds, and hearts.

Declaration: The greatest days in church history are not in the past; they are in our present

and our future!

Romans 5:5 (TPT) 

And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!


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