
I see each detail of your life. I see the struggles you go through. I see the tears that flow down your cheek. I see the times you cried in those moments asking Me, “Do you ever hear my cry?” 

My little one, I haven’t forgotten you; I see everything. You don’t always see Me, as you are overwhelmed by sorrows. I AM beside you, comforting you as the mother comforts her child. 

I AM teaching you patience and to trust in Me. It is I who set the days and time, and they orbit in My ways. Everything happens in My time. I AM bringing healing, restoration, and wholeness to you, but it happens in My time. There is a process to the fulfilment of My Promise. My Promise cannot be fulfilled without the completion of My process. 

So each time, when you see the sparrow, remember, My eyes are watching over you to fulfill My Promises! 

Activation: Go back to the promise that God spoke to you personally and the Scripture that He gave you. Submit and surrender your timings in His hands.

Habakkuk 2:3 (TLV)

Then Adonai answered me and said: “Write down the vision, make it plain on the tablets, so that the reader may run with it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. It hastens to the end and will not fail. If it should be slow in coming, wait for it, for it will surely come – it will not delay.” 


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