Choose your responses wisely in these days for things are not always as they seem, says the Lord.
For the battle is not against flesh and blood.
Your enemy is not your brother or your sister. Recognise your real enemy and choose to respond only with love to one another.
Contend for unity in order to disarm the enemy, says the Lord.
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle   is not against  flesh  and blood,  but against  the rulers,  against  the powers,  against  the world  forces  of this  darkness,   against  the spiritual forces of wickedness  in the heavenly  places.
Psalms 133:1-3
Behold,   how  good   and how  pleasant  it is For brothers  to dwell  together  in unity!  It is like the precious  oil  upon the head,  Coming   down  upon the beard,  Even Aaron’s  beard,  Coming  down  upon the edge  of his robes.  It is like the dew  of Hermon  Coming  down  upon the mountains  of Zion;  For there  the LORD  commanded  the blessing   – life  forever .